Let's PlaY


The Let's Play Vision: Every child in BC with a mobility related physical disability has a healthy and happy start to being physically active.

Let's Play is an initiative of the BC Wheelchair Basketball Society that helps children with mobility related physical disabilities across British Columbia become physically active early in life and encourages them to stay that way.  Let's Play provides an age appropriate size sport wheelchair and resources to develop physical literacy skills so that children can confidently participate in play, sport and physical education with their peers.

Health care providers, school personnel, community leaders and parents work with BC Wheelchair Basketball to identify children and provide the resources required to build fundamental movement and wheelchair sport skills in an inclusive environment...laying a foundation for life long enjoyment and if desired, for sporting success.  By supporting our Let's Play kids in the school environment we also expose thousands of children without disabilities to the concepts of disability awareness, acceptance and inclusion which has a significant impact on the social setting in which our Let's Play kids develop their skills and confidence.

The Let's Play program was originally created as a result of a cooperative effort between the Government of British Columbia, the Rick Hansen Foundation and BC Wheelchair Basketball Society (BCWBS).

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our current Let's Play supporters which include:

Apply for a Chair

Do you know a child who would benefit from Let's Play and access to a sport wheelchair at no cost?Let's Play focuses on preschool or elementary aged children who are residents of British Columbia, who have reduced mobility due to a physical disability, and would benefit from using a manual sport wheelchair to be more active.

This can include children who can walk independently or who use prosthetics, crutches, walkers or wheelchairs. If a manual wheelchair would enhance a child's ability to get physically active, they could be eligible for the program.

Prior to filling out the application form below please check of the Let's Play Quick Assessment Tool to see if your child qualifies for support through our program. You can also use our Let's Play Sport Wheelchair Measurement Guide to list your child's measurements on the form. If you are interested in applying for a Let's Play wheelchair, please click the application form below and submit:

Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.
(International Physical Literacy Association, May 2014)

One of the goals of the Let’s Play Program is to help develop physical literacy.  Let’s Play increases physical literacy through a wide range of physical activities and modified games with the use of a sport wheelchair. Children must experience multiple activities in a variety of settings in order to develop to their full potential.  The development of these fundamental elements in children has many positive outcomes, most importantly improved long term health and independence.

The use of a Let’s Play sports wheelchair improves physical literacy by supporting the development of:

  • Core abilities like strength, balance, coordination and flexibility

  • Movement skills like wheeling, sending, receiving, changing direction and stationary pivot type movements

  • Specific sport skills that can be used in games and play situations like passing, dribbling and shooting

  • Knowledge and understanding of what is going on around them in an activity setting and the ability to react appropriately

  • Confidence and understanding of how to work effectively with others to achieve common goals

Physical Literacy for Children with Disabilities
Physical literacy for children with a disability is equally, if not more important, than for kids without disabilities. Many of the skills they learn are directly applicable to the real world environment they face in their daily lives. Popping a wheelie might sound like something cool to learn but it is also necessary to navigate bumps or curbs independently. These skills become important to their daily lives so that they can have fun with their peers, participate in school and recreation programs and compete in sport later in life if they choose.

It is also important for other kids and parents to become comfortable with the inclusive environment. Because kids learn so much by teaching and mentoring each other, a novel opportunity for both the child with a disability and the able bodied peer arise. We hope the physical literacy and social skills gained in inclusive environments will positively impact all those who participate in them.

Excellent resources regarding physical literacy are available from our friends at Sport For Life and Active for Life.

Check out our Let's Play Teaching Resource. Coming Soon.

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